Jesus was a Party Pooper
A “party pooper” is somebody who brings down the party – when everybody else is trying to celebrate, the party pooper finds some way to bring everybody down, totally destroying the joy of the moment. [Continue Reading…]
A “party pooper” is somebody who brings down the party – when everybody else is trying to celebrate, the party pooper finds some way to bring everybody down, totally destroying the joy of the moment. [Continue Reading…]
Hey Andy, do Christians think cavemen, dinosaurs, and other prehistoric creatures existed? I wonder, since obviously most don’t believe in evolution, how fossils of such creatures are explained? Especially Neanderthal fossils? Actually, even though many [Continue Reading…]
Lesson Point: Many times, we focus on our failures, or worse, the failures of others. It’s simple – other people’s failures make us feel good about ourselves, so we like to remind others about them, [Continue Reading…]
On the night of September 16, 2008, I had a dream about events leading up to the end of the world. I’ve posted this dream several times over the years on my previous websites, but believe [Continue Reading…]
Hey Andy, will music be played in Hell? If so, then what kind, and will Christian music be played in both Heaven and Hell? We’re told that in Heaven, constant praises to God will be [Continue Reading…]
Purpose: In this active, yet personal youth lesson, students will learn the importance of praying for others, and realize that they know a lot of people who could use prayer. May be used with either [Continue Reading…]
Does helping others make you good? This is a good, and common question, even in church, and especially in youth ministry, where the message is often such. For example, ‘love your neighbor, care for the [Continue Reading…]
“Better to reign in Hell, than serve in Heaven?” –Milton’s “Paradise Lost.” Hey Andy, I agree with Milton’s quote. Do you? But then again, I’d rather go to Hell anyway, even to serve. There are far [Continue Reading…]
Object: In this active lesson, students will learn about the damage they do when tearing others down with their words, the importance of encouraging others instead. They’ll also be challenged to encourage somebody they know [Continue Reading…]
Mark 5:21-43, tells us that when Jesus had again crossed over by boat to the other side of the lake, a large crowd gathered around him while he was by the lake. Then one of [Continue Reading…]
Defending The Lord, 2017-2019