Sticking With the Truth
Reading through 2 Corinthians is very therapeutic for me, I’m finding. I’ve been wanting to read it for some time, but decided to finish my study first on Matthew. So I finished, and am now reading [Continue Reading…]
Reading through 2 Corinthians is very therapeutic for me, I’m finding. I’ve been wanting to read it for some time, but decided to finish my study first on Matthew. So I finished, and am now reading [Continue Reading…]
Hey Andy, If Jesus had never died, would Christianity be better off, like if He still walked the Earth? I think it would have been more effective than 33 years and a violent death. Hi. [Continue Reading…]
Just as long distance love relationships can sometimes be difficult, so can long distance discipleship. Trying to disciple someone long distance can be difficult for many reasons even through social media or email, for you’re [Continue Reading…]
Hey Andy, what do you and other Christians think of Heavy Metal music? And I don’t mean the new stuff they call heavy metal…I mean like Judas Priest, Kiss, Dio, Iron Maiden, Motorhead, Megadeth, Venom, [Continue Reading…]
I continue to talk with people who notice all the sin in the world, though they often don’t understand it to be sin, just something wrong and not natural. The Apostle Paul talked about this [Continue Reading…]
Hey Andy, if evidence is required for truth, could you prove to a blind man a rainbow is real? Would this mean that it doesn’t exist to the blind man, other than having faith in [Continue Reading…]
“He came into the very world he created, but the world didn’t understand (or recognize) him.” –John 1:10 The World is Familiar with John 3:16 The world is well familiar with John 3:16 (For God [Continue Reading…]
Hey Andy, isn’t it sort of disrespectful to call Jesus your “friend?”? I don’t see how the Bible tells people that Jesus is supposed to be your friend. You’re supposed to fear and respect him [Continue Reading…]
Have you ever heard that saying, “He who dies with the most toys (or stuff), wins”? I’ve heard that it’s something rich people say, for they horde up tons of expensive stuff (cars, houses, etc.), [Continue Reading…]
Defending The Lord, 2017-2019