Name Tag - Hello, my name is I Am
Bible Study

Who Was Jesus Saying that He Is?

August 21, 2019 Andy 0

Several places in Scripture, Jesus straight out acknowledges Himself as “I Am”, whereas He’s referring to Himself as God, and anybody who knows Exodus 3:14 would recognize this. But then you have places like Mark [Continue Reading…]

Eternal Life means knowing and living with god for eternity

What is Eternal Life?

August 14, 2019 Andy 0

There seems to be a misconception on eternal life — what it is, who will have eternal life, where they’ll go, etc. For instance, I continue to hear so many people today talking of going [Continue Reading…]

America, represented by our flag

America the Great

August 7, 2019 Andy 0

“You have abandoned your people, the house of Jacob. They are full of superstitions from the East; they practice divination like the Philistines and clasp hands with pagans. Their land is full of silver and [Continue Reading…]