Does helping others make you good?
This is a good, and common question, even in church, and especially in youth ministry, where the message is often such. For example, ‘love your neighbor, care for the widows and poor, don’t criticize but instead encourage, go on mission trips and do great things’, volunteer…sound familiar? Good stuff, really. But there’s an element – a necessity, if you will, that’s all too often missed: Being a Christian is not just about “doing” good, it’s about “being” good.
I’m sure we can all think of somebody in the Church who does good works, but of whom you’re sure is evil in heart. And it’s possible they are, because you see, you can DO good, and yet not BE good. You can DO good, but be rotten in heart. But as Christians, we were not only called to do good, we were called to BE good. But if doing good doesn’t make you good, then what does it mean to be good?
What Does “Good” Mean?
Well first, we need to understand the differences in the meaning of good. To the world, you’re considered good by what you do, how you act/behave, how you behave towards others, how much you give to those in need, or charities, etc. But God sees it differently:
- In the beginning, the Lord created and called everything that He’d created, “good”. But then, sin entered the picture, taking away the good.
- Paul tells us that the only way that we’re seen as “good” in God’s eyes is through faith in Jesus Christ
- in 1 Peter 3 (verses 8-22), Peter said (verse 15), “In your hearts, revere Christ as Lord.” But now here’s the kicker: In God’s eyes, the only way for one to DO good, is to first, BE good.
So What Does It Mean To “Revere Christ As Lord”?
The answer to this was in the first 2 chapters, and the beginning of this one:
- To be holy;
- To submit to Jesus and not our own ways;
- Being like-minded
- Being sympathetic
- Loving one another
- Being compassionate;
- Being humble
- Seeking peace and pursuing it…
Also, if you’re putting on a show so you’ll be liked, glorified, or because you think doing so will get you into heaven, for “For God loves a cheerful giver”, but you don’t first love God through Jesus Christ, then everything you’re doing is in vain, for selfish needs, and pointless, because you’re only doing, you’re not being. Only if you’re good in God’s eyes will your works be recognized by God as good, and such is only possible through faith in Christ.
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