When making the choice to read through the Gospel of Mark, you may notice that he often likes to give 3 examples to make a point. For instance, here are three examples of how groups that responded to Jesus’ call:
- Demon in the synagogue: Recognized Jesus’ authority, obeyed when Jesus told it to silence itself, and came out of the man when commanded. So the demon recognized Jesus’ authority and had no choice but to obey (they’d lost their freedom of choice)
- Simon’s Mother in Law: Jesus healed her and immediately, she got up and served Jesus and His friends.
- Fishermen: When Jesus called the 4 Fishermen to be His disciples, they left everything behind, immediately followed Jesus (didn’t even give a 2nd thought), and spent time with Him from then on.
So in this first set, everybody responded well to Jesus’ commands, works, and callings. Now let’s take a look at another batch of people:
- Leper: Begged Jesus to heal him, Jesus touched and healed him. But then the Leper immediately disobeyed Jesus’ command, which in turn hindered His ministry.
- Paralyzed man: Jesus healed and forgave him of his sins, yet he remained where he was (no response) until Jesus told him to get up and go home.
- Levi / Matthew: Jesus called him to be His disciple. Immediately, like the 4 fishermen, Levi left everything behind (wasn’t even afraid of his Roman employers), and immediately invited his sinner-friends to meet Jesus over dinner. So Levi immediately obeyed and reacted.
So there are obviously many ways that people can, and do, respond to Jesus. But you know what I find interesting, is that even the demons — rebels against God, judged and cursed, destined to the fiery pits of hell — still recognize Jesus’ authority. They once had the gift of freedom of choice, and now do no longer, so they have no choice but to obey. Yet, people who have the gift of the freedom of choice often find ways of not recognizing Jesus’ authority, rejecting Him, and sometimes even denying His existence. For one thing, they’re using it in the same way as the demons when they had the freedom to choose. Then all at one time, they lost it and were sent away from God’s immediate presence. Unfortunately, people who do the same will also be sent out of God’s presence for eternity, also their own choice made.
So the demons, Simon’s mother in Law, the 4 fishermen, and Levi all responded well to Jesus’ commands, callings, and works. So how will you?
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