One way you can make disciples by reading the Bible with them

Now Go Out and Make Disciples

June 26, 2019 Andy 0

What is it that makes our calling to make disciples so terrifying? Whether in youth ministry, college ministry, or adult ministry, getting Christians to even share with their friends about Jesus, what they learned in [Continue Reading…]


A Deeper Meaning of Baptism

January 27, 2018 Andy 0

One common argument that I will continue to hear churches stand on is believers’ baptism over infant baptism. Now, I do understand the reasons for each side, but I also notice that many non-denominational churches [Continue Reading…]

"Christian" one day, came across an article that mentioned a quote from one of Abraham Lincoln's official receptions during the Civil War.

Destroy Your Enemies

November 1, 2023 Andy 0

Christian Magazine One Day I was reading a “Christian” magazine one day (quotes because, though it’s from 2001, the writers didn’t seem to have an ounce of information about the world outside their little circles) [Continue Reading…]