Hey Andy, how do people who believe that humans came from Adam and Eve think that more humans came along? Did Cain and Abel procreate with Eve?
Hi, you know, there are so many questions about how people pro-created in the beginning. For instance, some have suggested that there were others outside the Garden of Eden; some have suggested that what you’re asking; and there are some really crazy ones out there, too. But look what it says in Genesis 5:4 – “After the birth of Seth, Adam lived another 800 years, and he had other sons and daughters.”
This phrase, “and he had other sons and daughters”, explains how more humans came along. I mean, you have to understand, the reason that only certain people are mentioned is because they’re needed to be mentioned for understandings of the founders of the nations, or because they served for the purpose of the seed of the promised Messiah to go through their lineage. So there’s no reason to mention how long Adam was in the garden before Eve arrived, nor how many years they lived in the garden before they sinned, nor the names nor numbers of the “other sons and daughters” who had pro-created later. We also don’t know how many children Adam and Eve had, nor if she gave birth in litters (like dogs and cats do today). We only know what we need to know for the sake of the whole Bible, which is that God is the creator of everything that exists, people sinned and rejected God, God sent His prophets to try and turn us right but we continued to rebel against Him, the promise and lineage of the Messiah who was to come (and came), what He was going to do, what to look for when He came, what He did, why He did it, and what we need to do to be with Him for all eternity. So when you look at that, the other details about people at the time at creation, doesn’t really matter.
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