Do Ghosts Exist?

are ghosts real?
Hey Andy, do ghosts exist?

Do ghosts exist? Yes and no. To fully understand this, you have to understand some things first:

There Is No Such Thing As A “Friendly Ghost”

  1. Casper is a cartoon (and a really bad movie), but totally make-believe
  2. Ghosts are not here to protect people (nor do they)
  3. Ghosts are not friendly, especially towards active Christians

Ghosts Are Not Formally-Living People

  1. Ghosts are not people who had died a terrible death and are now stuck here because they can’t accept their death.
  2. Ghosts are not people who are stuck between worlds, dimensions, realms, etc.
  3. Ghosts are not dead children, even if they take on the image of one.

So What, Then, Are “Ghosts”?

Ghosts, as we call them, are spirits, but they’re not good ones – they’re demons, and they’re very, VERY evil.
The Bible tells us that demons’ ultimate goal is to kill. For instance, look at the event where Jesus cast the Legion out of the man and into the pigs, and they all ran off the cliff to their death. When you look at all the things they did to the man, then realize what they ultimately did to the pigs, it shows that they had actually tried to kill him, too, but couldn’t (maybe God was preventing them from doing so?).

What Are Ghosts Trying To Accomplish?

Now, physical death isn’t their only goal, but also spiritual death (or maybe this just comes first, like a prerequisite to physical death?). I mean, look at the confusion people go through about God when they look at a ghost, and see the figure of a human, especially the image of one who had died in that spot. They begin to think that God’s not in full control, or that there’s more going on that the Bible doesn’t tell us (or that it’s wrong). It then pulls the person away from trusting in God and messes them all up. Being away from God is spiritual death. Such thinking also turns one to all sorts of New Age and demonic thoughts and beliefs, thus fully turning them away from God, even rejecting God completely – and this brings them closer to fulfilling their goal of bringing you to physical death.
I try not to talk about them (demons) too often, only because I don’t want them to receive any glory, but they are there, there is a complete spiritual side to this world, and we need to know they exist so that we may know the dangers of associating with them.

My Experience With Ghosts:

  1. Before I was a Christian, a friend and I would “experiment” and experience “ghosts” and haunted places.
  2. As a Christian, I’m often attacked by demons, both while awake and while sleeping (in dreams).

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