How Do We Know the Jews were Slaves in Egypt?

What is a True Jew?

Hey Andy, there is no record of Egyptians having the Jews as slaves and that there is no record of plagues! During the Roman Empire, only 10% of people could read and write. We know so much about the Romans, it’s not funny. Archaeology tells us that none of that happened. It has nothing to do with people writing anything down (even though that didn’t happen either)!

I’m not sure where you got your information, but you may want to look again, because actually, there is evidence of the Jews being slaves in Egypt, and a lot of it. For instance, just the evidence in the Bible alone tell us:

The Jews’ Entrance Into Egypt

Scriptures tell us that Joseph was sold for 20 shekels of silver. Research shows that this was the correct average price for a slave in the 18th century B.C.

The Bible Says There Was a Great Plague

The Bible says there was a great plague, and Pharaoh allowed Joseph to invite his family to live with him. “Egyptian history references Asiatics coming to Egypt for this purpose, also. A picture of visiting Semites can be seen on the wall of a tomb at Beni Hasan, which comes from a time not far from that of Abraham.” There’s also evidence that the “Hyksos” (whoever they were) began moving into the Nile Valley around 1900 B.C., along with others from around the area, thus overwhelming the Egyptian rulers.

In the Last Chapter of Genesis

In the last chapter of Genesis, we read that Joseph requested to be buried in the land of Canaan once the Lord gave this land to His people. Joshua 24:32 tells us that they did just this at Shechem. Why is this important? Because “for centuries, there was a tomb at Shechem reverenced as the tomb of Joseph. A few years ago, the tomb was (finally) opened.” In it was “a body mummified according to the Egyptian custom, and in the tomb, among other things, was a sword of the kind worn by Egyptian officials.”

It’s Suggested That the King of Egypt

It’s suggested that the king of Egypt who was against the growth of Joseph’s people may have been the nationalistic Egyptian king, for such a king would have been totally against the massive growth of foreigners in their land. This would also explain why the Jews were forced into slavery.

Genesis 47:17

Looking at the timing, “Genesis 47:17 tells of the first instance of horses being in Egypt – it was the Hyksos who introduced horses to Egypt. So that helps with the timing of the Jews going into Egypt.”

The Idea Is That the Jews’ Exodus from Egypt Occurred

The idea is that the Jews’ Exodus from Egypt occurred around 1450 B.C. I know there were arguments for a long time for 12 or 1300, but archaeological evidence has proven otherwise.

Egyptian History 1900 B.C. and 1450 B.C.

So if you look in Egyptian history somewhere between 1900 B.C. and 1450 B.C., I’m sure you’ll find information about the Jews being in Egypt.

(Source: McDowell, Josh: “Evidence for Christianity”, Thomas Nelson Publishing, 2006, p 155-158.) 

As for People Writing:

  1. First, the illiteracy of people 3000 years ago can’t have much, if any, impact on the literacy of people 4000-5000 years ago.
  2. The Egyptians wrote everything down, on walls, cylinders, rocks, etc., and

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