Hey Andy, what was the point of the Mosaic Law?
The Law as a Nanny
Hi, well, the Apostle Paul explains in Galatians 3 that the Mosaic Law was given alongside the promise to show people their sins. But it was designed to last only until the coming of the Messiah. Verses 23-25 also explain that the Law was sort of like a “nanny” (literal meaning in the Greek) – something to train up God’s people as His people until the coming of the Messiah.
The Law as a Response
You see, when the Israelites came out of Egypt, they all behaved like Egyptians (including their worship to other gods). God needed them to stop such behaviors, for such were sinful. So in order to show them what sin is and to get them to stop sinning, God installed the Mosaic Law. It’s like the main event was the coming Messiah, but before He arrived, God’s people needed to take on the character of God – they needed to represent God as His chosen people, and the Law was put in place to train them up as such. But once the main event occurred, the training period would be over and the Law would no longer be needed.
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