What Are Your Thoughts On Re-Baptism?


Hey Andy, what are your thoughts on being re-baptized into another denomination or faith system?

Hi! You know, I’ve actually heard of some denominations, like Baptists, who require people to be re-baptized in order to join their churches.

Could You Get Rebaptized?

I suppose you could get re-baptized, but Biblically-speaking, you neither need to, nor is it suggested that you do. For in his letter to the Ephesians, Paul said “One Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is above all and through all and in all. (Ephesians 4:5-6). So the short answer to your question is, if you were baptized once, then there is no need to be baptized again–you only need to be baptized once.

Misunderstanding What Baptism Is About

The problem, though, is that so many people (also churches and church leaders) just do not understand what baptism is all about. Does baptism bring salvation or not? Is baptism inward, outward, or both? If baptism is only about cleansing of sins, the why was Jesus baptized, since He had no sin? Should there be age limits to who should be able (or allowed) to be baptized? Is baptism communal or individual? How should it be done and what Biblical references support the different ways? Is baptism only a Christian-thing?

To help wrestle through some of these questions, I have published several posts on Baptism. You can find many of them listed in my profile.

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