Hey Andy, What are the similarities between Christians/Islamists/Jews and the………Atheists?
Hey there. You know, it’s interesting. While there are a lot more differences between these faiths, there are actually many similarities between Christians, Muslims, Jews, and yeah, even atheists. These include the fact that:
- We all fully believe that what we believe is correct and the others are not.
- We’re all worshiping something or someone
- Christians = Yahweh through Jesus/Yeshua
- Muslims = Allah through Muhammad
- Jews = G-d through the Law and traditions
- Atheists = themselves (they live for themselves, do everything for themselves, everything they do is with themselves in mind)
- We all (except for the Jews) believe that we need to make the others believe what we do and to join our faith/religion
- We all have symbols for our faith/religion
- We can all be blamed for starting wars
- We can all be praised for the good things we do for others
- We can all be considered hypocrites
- We all admit that there are many different versions of people in our “systems” that believe differently from the rest of us, and vice-versa (liberals, denominations, conservatives, modernists, radicals, orthodox, etc.)
- We’re all human
- We all have a book or standards by which we live according to our faith/religion
- 3 of us claim Abraham in the history of our faith/religion
- We all have music that represents our faiths/religion
- We all gather on certain days with others of similar beliefs (Universalist Unitarians are an Atheistic gathering)
- We all have both good and bad representatives for our faiths/religions
- We all struggle with sin
I’m sure there are many more, so feel free to leave some of them in the comments below.
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