Hey Andy, I’m about to be ordained, and my church has asked me what Bible I’d like as a gift. I plan to go into hospital chaplaincy right after Seminary, so I want it to be a widely-accepted version that’s easy to hear (NRSV, NIV, NASB). I’d like cross-referencing, and ideally, parallel-passage notes for the gospels. I don’t want study notes or a large concordance within it to carry around. I also would like a full-sized version, because I will do some preaching and would like to read it from the pulpit. Finally, I’m looking for something in basic black leather. No NRSV I’ve found online has all these features. I found a wonderful NIV that meets all of them perfectly, published by Holman, but out of print now and unavailable. If you’re a pastor or chaplain and have a working ministry Bible you really like, I would very much welcome your recommendation. Thank you!
Hi, first, congratulations on your graduation from seminary! (Don’t be surprised if you never want to read another book again). OK, let’s see about this list of yours:
- Widely accepted versions: NRSV, NLT, NIV, and the ESV
- Cross-referencing/parallel passage notes (footnotes too?): NASB, RSV, NRSV, NLT, NIV, TNIV
- No concordance within: Just don’t get a “Study Bible”
- Full-sized version: Most should come in a full-size.
- Summary:
I find the NLT has really good footnotes / cross references, and is also great for reading aloud, but because the language is set for such, it’s not a good Bible for word studies. Although I have seen some in black leather. Also, the church we’re attending now uses it as their church version.
I personally liked the TNIV when it came out, but it caught a lot of flack due to what I think were misunderstandings and pressure from those with this misunderstanding. For, while in seminary, we’d all learned that it’s closer to the original Greek, and unlike the masculine-strong NIV, it was actually inclusive with the genders, meaning that they were based on the context. But then, not all their bibles had many footnotes, but it did come in leather.
The NRSV often has good notes, and is actually what I choose to use with word studies (other than the Greek itself), and though it was difficult to find, I DID find one in black leather. However, I don’t believe it has everything you’re looking for, and it’s not the friendliest in speech for reading out loud.
Finally, the ESV is one that I’ll admit I don’t know much about, nor have used for much. However, it seems to be a very versatile translation, good for people new to English, and also native speakers. I also know that it does come in leather.
Hope I helped some.
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