Atheists’ Disbelief Contradicts Them
Atheists Judge Moral Standards By Those of Christians
Atheists Don’t Actually Exist
Whether you realize it or not, you atheists still worship a god, for we were all created for worship. Who do you worship? You. You worship yourself, for to worship a being is to live for them, follow their beliefs, live up to certain standards, etc., and you do just that – you live for yourselves – you have certain beliefs about everything that you live up to, you’ve set standards by which to live by, there are things you would never do for your own personal reasons, and everything you do is for the sake of your own good and image of how you see yourself.
So even though you say that you don’t accept the existence of God, you do still worship a god – only, that god you worship is yourself, which could be why you’re so aggressive against the existence of the real God, because you can’t worship both yourself and God, for God demands that none other comes before Him, and you demand that none other comes before you…and that’s worship. And just the fact that you continue to be so aggressive against God and His people shows that you do in fact believe that He exists, you just don’t believe that He should be the God that everybody else worships.
The Reason Atheists Come After Christians the Hardest
The thing is, I know why Atheists come after Christians the hardest, and it has nothing to do with disbelief. In fact, the one who’s fueling atheists’ anger and persecution towards Christians is none other than Satan himself. Like I said earlier, everybody was created to worship someone or something. Ultimately, that was for God alone, but people who reject God and go after His people can only be of the enemy – Satan. Jesus said Himself when talking with those who opposed Him that they’re not children of God, for they reject His Son. If they were, then they’d have believed Him and the things that He’d done. Instead, they were children of the devil, and their persecutions were obvious in their actions against Him. Likewise, atheists too are being influenced by the devil. And what’s interesting also is that such is one of the devil’s greatest tactics – influencing people into believing that neither he nor God exist. Because Satan doesn’t care if you worship him or not, he just wants to destroy people and all of creation, and he knows that the best way to do that is to lead people away from God – making people want to avoid the one “thing” that gives life – the Life Himself.
What’s Really Going On Is A Spiritual Battle
So you see, what’s really going on is a spiritual battle, and though atheists are oblivious to the spiritual side, nor Satan for the matter, they’re actually his greatest agents, even if they don’t believe it.
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