Hey Andy, how would you want a girl to start a conversation with you after class if she likes you, but you didn’t know it?
Hi, are you the girl who wants to start a conversation with a guy you like, but who doesn’t know you like him? Here are some ideas you can do:
If you’re in the same class, you could ask him about a problem on your homework you’re struggling with (we guys like to feel smart and helpful).
If you’re not in the same class, it could be risky, but you could sit with him at lunch – just sit down at his table and make conversation with him and everybody he’s sitting with. It’s bold, but he’d get the picture.
We guys can be pretty naive at times, or just dense, lol. If I was in school, and a girl liked me, and I didn’t know it, I’d like to know. Actually, when I was in high school, there was a girl who sat behind me in one of my classes that really liked me, but I had no clue. But as girls talk, she told her best friend, who was dating one of my best friends, and they both told me about her. The next day, I waited to see who sat behind me. After class, I was the one who then asked her out. So the moral to this story is, maybe tell a friend who knows him, tells him, and puts the ball in his court. Who knows, I may next be answering his question about how to ask out a girl he just learned has a crush on him.
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