Why Did God Cause Job to Suffer?
Hey Andy, why did God cause Job to suffer, send calamities upon him, and punish him? He was obedient. What’s the moral of the story? Hi, the book of Job is very popular among people [Continue Reading…]
Hey Andy, why did God cause Job to suffer, send calamities upon him, and punish him? He was obedient. What’s the moral of the story? Hi, the book of Job is very popular among people [Continue Reading…]
Hey Andy, why does Jesus refer to Jews as “you people” in John 3:11? “I tell you the truth, we speak of what we know, and we testify to what we have seen, but still you [Continue Reading…]
Hey Andy, would you ever take part in an interdenominational event? Like a discussion or social event? Or would you only do so with members of your own branch of faith? Heck yeah, I would [Continue Reading…]
Hey Andy, what does “begotten” mean in John 3:16? I promise, I’m not trying to be antagonistic, I really want to understand your point of view. I come from an LDS/Mormon background, and while I don’t [Continue Reading…]
When making the choice to read through the Gospel of Mark, you may notice that he often likes to give 3 examples to make a point. For instance, here are three examples of how groups [Continue Reading…]
During the Spring months of 2017, I began receiving visits from a team of Jehovah’s Witnesses: one old fellow and one younger fellow. I’ll call the older fellow “John” (generic name), since he was the [Continue Reading…]
Defending The Lord, 2017-2019