Who Is Jesus?
Who Is Jesus? If I asked you who Jesus is, what would you say? Maybe that, “He’s God’s one and only Son”, or “Lord and Savior”; “The Messiah or Christ”… It’s good to see you [Continue Reading…]
Who Is Jesus? If I asked you who Jesus is, what would you say? Maybe that, “He’s God’s one and only Son”, or “Lord and Savior”; “The Messiah or Christ”… It’s good to see you [Continue Reading…]
Hey Andy, why did Jesus antagonize Jewish clergy by whipping the money changers; all the while proclaiming toleration and love of all human beings? Hi, this event with the money changers was brought up in [Continue Reading…]
Hey Andy, I know God will forgive us our sins when we repent, but what about if you break a covenant, such as getting remarried after a divorce, and you were the one being unfaithful? [Continue Reading…]
Hey Andy, why didn’t Jesus want the blind man in Mark 8:22-26 to tell anyone about his recent ‘miracle’? Did Jesus screw up the ‘healing the blind’ trick the first time around (the blind man [Continue Reading…]
Hey Andy, I know you believe that he died on the cross, but what was the actual cause of death? Asphyxiation, blood clot, shock…? Was it a natural cause or did Jesus just voluntarily cease [Continue Reading…]
Hey Andy, I’ve been a Christian for many years now, and I continue to hear Christians talk about how “God told them this” or “God told them that”, but I don’t understand. How on earth do [Continue Reading…]
Hey Andy, how do I talk to God about the problems in my life? I have obstacles in my life that seem almost impossible to overcome at the moment. I pray, but I don’t know if [Continue Reading…]
Hey Andy, How Should We Respond to Persecution? Should we retaliate? Should we just turn the other cheek? Hi! You know, while flipping through Facebook one day, I came across an article asking if Christians [Continue Reading…]
Hey Andy, how do you evangelize? What are some ways that you like to evangelize? I really love to tell people about the Lord and want everyone I see to be saved. Does everyone have [Continue Reading…]
Hey Andy, in Genesis, why would God monologue to Himself about the humans eating the fruit of life? If He isn’t doing a monologue to Himself, who is God talking about when He says “us”? [Continue Reading…]
Defending The Lord, 2017-2019