Does God Exist?
Hey Andy, does God exist, or is it just a way of keeping conformity in society? I believe that the belief in God is only a way of making people work hard without any human compensation [Continue Reading…]
Hey Andy, does God exist, or is it just a way of keeping conformity in society? I believe that the belief in God is only a way of making people work hard without any human compensation [Continue Reading…]
Hey Andy: Have you ever known anyone who converted FROM Christianity to atheism? Unfortunately, I think you’ll find that a huge number of atheists either grew up in the church, or once recognized themselves as [Continue Reading…]
Several places in Scripture, Jesus straight out acknowledges Himself as “I Am”, whereas He’s referring to Himself as God, and anybody who knows Exodus 3:14 would recognize this. But then you have places like Mark [Continue Reading…]
Hey Andy, From a Christian understanding, what does prayer really do, and what is prayer really about? I really am curious and I need the answers for an assignment. Also, when I say “Prayer”, I [Continue Reading…]
Hey Andy, should religious leaders be rich, and have nice cars, big houses…….? Hi, now when you say “rich”, I’m guessing that what you’re saying is not that they shouldn’t have reliable cars, but should [Continue Reading…]
Hey Andy, for a long time I was a protestant, but as I came closer to God, I realized that there must be a better, deeper faith in Him. A few years ago I became [Continue Reading…]
Hey Andy, I need help finding God. I’ve believed in God since the day I was born. I also went to a Catholic school and attended church every Sunday. But for the last 2 years or [Continue Reading…]
Hey Andy, how can I make my time with God more intense? I need ideas on how to make my prayer and worship time better. Hi, to increase your time with God, the Bible tells us [Continue Reading…]
Hey Andy, How do I become a Christian? I’m 15, and I’m in need of something to help me through tough times. I don’t want to turn to drugs or alcohol, I just want to [Continue Reading…]
Hey Andy, might the list of saints in the Catholic Bible be incomplete? Which other to consult to find the missing saint? I notice that the Saint Index is missing saints from the Gnostic Bible – [Continue Reading…]
Defending The Lord, 2017-2019