Did Jesus Know He’d Be Raised After Being Crucified?
Hey Andy, Did Jesus know He was going to be raised again after being crucified, and if so, then why is Jesus’ death considered as all that much of a sacrifice for Him, when it [Continue Reading…]
Hey Andy, Did Jesus know He was going to be raised again after being crucified, and if so, then why is Jesus’ death considered as all that much of a sacrifice for Him, when it [Continue Reading…]
Hey Andy, why do people feel the need to spread their beliefs? Some religious people (some, not all) are always looking to persuade people to join their religion. Shouldn’t your religion be a choice that [Continue Reading…]
While working as an enumerator for the 2010 Census Bureau, I believe that I’d come to understand the frustrations and disappointment of God when people don’t accept Him quickly, before they die, and/or before He [Continue Reading…]
Hey Andy, What’s your personal definition of “success”? “Finding fulfillment, freedom, quality time with loved ones and a sense of well being” are common phrases and personal definitions of success that I continue to hear, [Continue Reading…]
Hey Andy, I have a problem with doubt. Also, what is it called if you believe there is a God, but don’t attend church (because the ones in my town are nothing more than popularity [Continue Reading…]
Hey Andy, if someone commits an unforgivable sin, and is going to hell, then couldn’t they just continue to sin, since they’re doomed anyway? Hey there. Wow, that’s an interesting question, I mean, does that [Continue Reading…]
Defending The Lord, 2017-2019