Students will use the Bible to learn how to best deal with stress
Philippians 4:6-7
Materials Needed:
- Bible (of course!)
- Ball of string or yarn
- Scissors
- Music
- A fun snack
- Pass around the ball of string.
- Say: “When it comes to you, name all of the stresses in your life that you can think of.”
- For each stress you name, pull out about a foot of string.
- Once you’ve named all the stresses you can think of, cut off the string.
- Have them form groups of 3.
- Select a person in each trio to be tied up first by his or her trio partners, using that person’s string. (Be sure kids don’t tie string around someone’s neck.)
- Then the second person can be tied up by the third person in the trio.
- You can tie up the last person in each trio using his or her string.
- Once everyone is tied up, invite students to a celebration across the room, featuring music and treats (While kids are still tied up).
- Turn on the music, and invite kids to join in the fun. Stop the music.
- Ask: What’s it like being all tied up?
- How do you feel?
- Do you feel free to do what you want?
- How is the string taking away your freedom?
Read aloud Philippians 4:6-7
- Ask:
- Does everybody know what “stress” is?
- How are the effects of the string similar to the effects of stress in your life?
- Is it possible to live so that stress doesn’t have this effect on you? Why or why not?
- According to this passage, what’s the best way to deal with stress?
- Why is that hard to do?
- How can we help each other reduce the stress in our lives?
- Start the music again, and have kids work together to set each other free from the string.
- Turn the music down low, and ask kids to pile the string in the middle of their groups
- Have each group pray together, asking God to show them ways to be stress reducers for each other this week.
- At the end of the meeting, let kids enjoy the snacks.
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