In this active lesson, students will learn about the damage they do when tearing others down with their words, the importance of encouraging others instead. They’ll also be challenged to encourage somebody they know in light of Paul’s words in Ephesians 4:29.
Ephesians 4:29: “Don’t let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what’s helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.”
Materials Needed:
- Bible
- Paper Dolls
- Tape
- Split the students up into small groups
- Give each group a paper doll.
Have each person in each group take the doll and think of a common verbal put-down.
Instruct them to tear off an arm, leg, or head of the doll as they say that phrase.
Pass the doll to the next person. - Once the doll’s torn to shreds, read the verse.
Ask the teens to think of kind words that build up people as mentioned in the verse.
As they say those words, have them tape the paper doll back together.
Discussion Questions:
- Which was easier for you, tearing the doll apart, or taping it back together?
- Why do you think it’s so much easier to rip people apart than it is to encourage them? How difficult was it to think of something encouraging to say instead?
- Once you taped the doll back together, did it look like it did before the first round? How is that similar to how our words can damage others?
- In light of the Scripture, think about somebody you know who needs to hear a kind word from you this week. How can you, as a follower of Jesus, share with them “only what’s helpful for building (them) up according to their needs”?
- Challenge the students to do likewise.
Pray for one another in response.
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