When reading about Jesus’ entrance into Jerusalem, it’s easy to become confused about why He needed a colt that’s never been ridden, or even a colt at all. What can also be confusing is why the people responded as they did when they saw Jesus riding the colt into Jerusalem, and why they were yelling, “Hosanna!”
Now, I’ve heard many sermons and studies on Jesus’ entrance into Jerusalem, as well as explanations to better understand what’s going on and why the people responded the way that they did. However, I still have yet to hear any of them explain the relation to 1 Kings 1. Did you know that the whole chain of events of Jesus’ entrance into Jerusalem can also be found also in 1 Kings with the newly-appointed King Solomon? Did you also know that more about this event can be found in other places throughout the Old testament?
Let’s begin by looking at Mark’s description:
As they approached Jerusalem, they came to Bethphage and Bethany, at the Mount of Olives. Jesus sent 2 of His disciples, saying, “Go to the village ahead of you. Just as you enter it, you’ll find a colt tied there, which no one has ever ridden. Untie it and bring it here. If anyone asks you ‘why are you doing this’, tell them ‘The Lord needs it, and will send it back here shortly’.” So they went and found a colt outside in the street, tied at a doorway. As they untied it, sure enough, some people standing there asked, “What are you doing, untying that colt?” They answered as Jesus had told them to, and the people let them go. When they brought the colt to Jesus and threw their coats over it, Jesus sat on it. As Jesus rode into Jerusalem on the colt, many people spread their cloaks on the road, while others spread branches they’d cut in the fields. Those who went ahead of Jesus and who followed Him shouted, “Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes in the Name of the Lord! Blessed is the coming Kingdom of our father David! Hosanna in the Highest!” When Jesus entered the temple, He looked around at everything. But since it was already late, He went out with the 12 to Bethany.
So now, let’s look at this:
A colt that had never been ridden before
Why would the fact that it’s never been ridden before even matter? The notes in my Bible gave several references (Numbers 19:2, Deuteronomy 21:3, 1 Samuel 5:7) that pointed to the red heifer, a heifer, and cows, all having to do with no defect or blemish, never been under a yoke, etc. Actually, it’s sort of interesting when you look at it, for they would give it to the priest, who would take it outside the camp and slaughter it. This was a purification rite intended to cleanse God’s people defiled by contact with the dead. But it’s unique because the animal was killed outside the camp, versus on the altar like the other sacrifices. The blood was not drained because it constituted a necessary cleansing ingredient (cleansed by His blood?).
The priest himself became unclean while making this sacrifice, and had to be purified, but not by using the same procedure (He took on our sin). This would in turn transfer the impurities from the defiled person onto the heifer. Just as the heifer was slaughtered outside the camp to attain purification for the defiled, so Jesus, who bore the sins and impurities of all humanity, was killed outside Jerusalem in order to achieve redemption through His blood for all sinners (Hebrews 9:13-14, 13:11-12)
The Crowd Responds to Jesus’ Entrance
The colt, Jesus’ entrance into Jerusalem, the loud praises and crowds laying down their coats and palm branches:
I found a similarity to this in 1 Kings 1:32-48, where, David told Zadok the priest, Nathan the prophet, and some others to take his (David’s) servants with them and have Solomon his son mount his own mule, and take him down to Gihon. There, Zadok the priest and Nathan the prophet will anoint him (Solomon) king over Israel. They were told to blow the trumpet and shout, “Long live King Solomon!” Once this is done, they’ll go up with him to come and sit down on David’s throne and reign in his (David’s) place.
So with Solomon, you had a new king, accompanied by the Priest and Prophet. Jesus was all 3: King, High Priest, and Prophet. The people also recognized Zechariah’s prophecy when they yelled out about Jesus and David’s Kingdom (Zech 9:9-17).
Once Jesus Arrived
Jesus went into the Temple, looked around at everything, then left because it was late. Wait, what? He just left? Nothing else? I only mention this because in Matthew’s account, Jesus drove out those making money and argued with the officials some (rebuking them), then left to Bethany. Luke mentions that Jesus kicked out everyone dealing with money, taught there daily, and nobody found fault in Him. And John just paraphrased details, nothing about even entering the temple (although, here in Mark’s account, Jesus returns the next day, and that’s when everything “went down”).
- If you were in charge of Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem, what sort of entry would you have planned?
- Read Numbers 19:2-13 and compare it with today’s text. How does Jesus identify Himself in His request for the colt? In what way does this request confirm His identity?
- Read 1 Kings 1:32-48. Compare it with today’s text, also. How does the manner in which Jesus entered Jerusalem confirm His character?
- When Jesus rode that colt into your life, how did you respond? What other means did (or does) Jesus use to reach you?
- Look for a moment at the people’s responses. All the way up to this point, the people mostly saw Jesus as just a healer, Elijah, or a prophet. Yet here, they’re recognizing Jesus as more, possibly even the Messiah. But then again, in Mark 15, many of these same people were yelling (no more than 5 days later) “crucify him!” Why do you suppose they waver band and forth so often?
- Even today, many people tend to waver back and forth in their faith and acceptance of Jesus. Why do you suppose this is? What do you think it would take for them to make a decision about Him and keep to it?
Maybe you’re one of these people who waivers back and forth in your faith. Why do you, and what needs to happen for you to make and keep to your decision about Him, whichever decision that may be?
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