In 2004, I was asked to explain my present relationship with God and how it influences my daily life. I’d like to share my answer with you:
My Exhaustive Search
Before accepting Jesus, I was searching for that one particular unconditional and unending love. My problem was that I was searching for it in the wrong places — through broken relationships with girls. This was a problem because such love couldn’t be found in such, but only in God. It was only after I was completely exhausted that I finally realized this.
Living Without God
I know what it’s like living without God, and I know what it’s like thinking that God isn’t there, even though He really is. I also know what it’s like to fall at His feet, feeling like I don’t deserve His love, only to be forgiven and reminded of His grace.
My Sole Existence in God
Personally, I believe my sole existence is grounded with a solid foundation in God. Like the parable of the different soils, I feel as if I was planted deep down in the good soil. My roots are strong, clinging mightily to the soil beneath it, and regardless of how hard the wind blows, or the rain falls, or the snow freezes, my roots are still firmly planted, making it impossible to be uprooted or choked by weeds, and protected from being eaten by bugs.
The Farmer waters and fertilizes my growth, loves me, and cares for me as one would with a special prize-winning flower. He prunes my stems and leaves, making them stronger for trials ahead. The Farmer knew me before He planted me, and He had a plan for me even before He covered me with soil. If I am a tree, I shall give Him shade from the scorching sun, and homes to His other children (animals and birds). I shall give seeds to His children to take other places and plant them where they will grow (as a squirrel plants a nut somewhere, comparing to how the Word is spread).
Who God Is to Me
I love God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, I love Him.
- He is my Lord, for He cares for me
- He is my King, for He rules over me
- He is my Master, for I am His disciple who learns from Him, takes on His character, and becomes as He is
- He is my Abba, for I am His child, and He cares for me as such, as I continue to come to Him as such
- He is my best friend, for He has always been there for me and has never let me down. We also talk like best friends do about anything and everything
- He is my Hero for He has saved me from death
- He is my guide, for He takes and guides me on His missions
- He is my map, for when I am lost, He helps me find my way
- He is my Protector, for He has and continues to protect me from the evil one and his followers’ malice
- He is my Big Brother, for He has gone before me through everything that I will have to endure, helping me to endure them, too. And some things He went through, I will not have to, for He did instead
- He is my doorway, for I first had to go through Him
- He is my Pearl, for which I give everything up in order to own (only instead, He owns me)
- He is my treasure which I set my sights on (the treasure that I seek…and have found!)
- He is my Boss, for I am His worker/servant, and I am required to fulfill the responsibilities for the position He has put me in charge of
- He is my Role Model, for I am one of His greatest fans. As such, I idolize Him, I want to be like Him, I want to see and love others as He does, and when others look at me, I continue to pray that they instead will see Him through me and through my actions, behaviors, and my compassion for them
- He is my God, for He is God, and no other is like Him
- He is my Owner, for He bought me for an expensive price, and so I now fully belong to Him…and everything I own, is His
- He is my inspiration, and a grand discovery, and I must not keep Him a secret, but instead tell everyone about Him
- He is my Healer
- He is my motivator and cheerleader, for when I am down, He encourages me to get up and either try again, or continue what I’m doing
- He is my Teacher, for He has taught (shown) me true, unconditional and unending love
- He is my Provider, for all I have, He provided for me, and all I need, He provides for me
- He is my focus and reason for living, for without Him, I am nothing.
- (and added recently): He is the center of my marriage with my wife, for without Him there, we could not be united as one.
So as we begin this new year, I invite you to reflect, as I have, the answer to the question that I was asked: “What is your present relationship with God, and how does it influence your daily life?”
Feel free to answer in the comments section below.
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