“What Being a Census Enumerator Has Taught Me About God, (Part 2) = “Everything” We live in a time when people really don’t trust anybody with their personal information, not even with the government (or [Continue Reading…]
“What Being a Census Enumerator Has Taught Me About God, (Part 2) = “Everything” We live in a time when people really don’t trust anybody with their personal information, not even with the government (or [Continue Reading…]
How do we respond to news? As I was reading through Mark 1:1-20, I remembered that when I had first begun to hear Jesus’ voice, the Holy Spirit would often lead me down different streets to [Continue Reading…]
Have you ever been disappointed with somebody? What’s a good example of a huge disappointment in Mark 9:14-29, even after 3 years of preaching, ministering to, and teaching the crowds, they all still didn’t get [Continue Reading…]
I was just looking at the part of Mark 15 (:29-32) where everybody was mocking Jesus and calling Him “King of the Jews”, and noticed a connection to the Old Testament. I mean, yeah, everything [Continue Reading…]
Jesus was never short on compassion. Several places in scripture talk of Jesus arriving somewhere, and crowds of people would be waiting for Him there, or had followed Him there. And He would have great [Continue Reading…]
Can you give me some examples of understatements? What Are Understatements Understatements are when the emphasis of words is less emphatic than the action they’re defining. For example: “After fasting 40 days, Jesus was ‘hungry’.” [Continue Reading…]
Background: David had just finished taking down all of Israel’s enemies. With no more battles or enemies to be concerned about, he was able to focus on taking care of people within is kingdom. So [Continue Reading…]
Several places in Scripture, Jesus straight out acknowledges Himself as “I Am”, whereas He’s referring to Himself as God, and anybody who knows Exodus 3:14 would recognize this. But then you have places like Mark [Continue Reading…]
When people receive God’s blessings, say it’s riches or power, humility isn’t usually the response that’s given. For instance, when Nebuchadnezzar had finished conquering the whole Middle East and parts of what’s known today as [Continue Reading…]
As servants of Christ, in His Kingdom (or house), we are each given assigned jobs to do until He returns and takes us back with Him. In Mark 13:33-37, Jesus insisted, “Be on guard! Be alert! You [Continue Reading…]
Defending The Lord, 2017-2019