
Sticking With the Truth

May 29, 2019 Andy 0

Reading through 2 Corinthians is very therapeutic for me, I’m finding. I’ve been wanting to read it for some time, but decided to finish my study first on Matthew. So I finished, and am now reading [Continue Reading…]

unnaturalness of sin

The Unnaturalness of Sin

May 15, 2019 Andy 0

I continue to talk with people who notice all the sin in the world, though they often don’t understand it to be sin, just something wrong and not natural. The Apostle Paul talked about this [Continue Reading…]

Arrested, with hands cuffed behind their back

Was Jesus Really Arrested?

April 10, 2019 Andy 0

Was Jesus really arrested? Muslims reject Jesus’ crucifixion, and they explain it away by saying that Jesus was never actually arrested, but instead set up a buddy to step in and take the fall for [Continue Reading…]