
What are the Similarities Between Religions?

March 26, 2018 Andy 0

Hey Andy, What are the similarities between Christians/Islamists/Jews and the………Atheists? Hey there. You know, it’s interesting. While there are a lot more differences between these faiths, there are actually many similarities between Christians, Muslims, Jews, and yeah, [Continue Reading…]

Christian Persecution - Matrix

Will Christians Be persecuted?

March 19, 2018 Andy 0

Hey Andy, when they say that Christians will be persecuted, what would that mean in Australia? Would non-Christians mock Christians? Hi, yes, they definitely would (and probably do!). Did you ever watch the first Matrix? [Continue Reading…]

What I believe about God, the Bible, life, Jesus, Christianity, and more.

What Do You Believe?

March 14, 2018 Andy 0

Hey Andy, what do you believe? Do you believe that gods exist? Do you believe that love is the most important thing in life? Do you believe people are born good? Do you think people [Continue Reading…]

Understanding God's Eternity

When Did God Begin?

March 12, 2018 Andy 0

Hey Andy, what came first, God, or the Holy Spirit? Were they one all the time from the beginning? Also, Jesus wasn’t there at all until later on, right? Did God know Jesus was the [Continue Reading…]

are ghosts real?

Do Ghosts Exist?

March 2, 2018 Andy 0

Hey Andy, do ghosts exist? Do ghosts exist? Yes and no. To fully understand this, you have to understand some things first: There is no such thing as a “friendly ghost” Casper is a cartoon [Continue Reading…]