Hey Andy, what’s better to look forward to in Heaven, 72 virgins of your own, or the opportunity to see the Divinity face to face?
I was thinking of something similar the other day. Obviously the answer to your question is to be in the immediate and eternal presence of the Lord Almighty, but isn’t it interesting that the question is really more about the desire for God or the desire for something other than God?
I have a couple friends who, at one time in their lives, reflected to me about how they each had all this cash to buy basically anything they wanted, couldn’t remember a time when they didn’t have a girlfriend (or many girls), and were pretty much set for life, yet felt so empty. I also continue to read about celebrities and former rock stars who’d experienced the same and came up with the same conclusions. It wasn’t until they realized their need for Jesus that they found true fulfillment. So the answer to your question is a no-brainer there – the immediate and eternal presence of God.
Also, when you think of it, why would somebody even suggest 72 virgins? I mean, sure, 72 might have a significant meaning to it (like for me, it was the year that I was born), but even Jesus Himself said that nobody will be given in marriage or wed in heaven – we’ll be like the angels in that sense. And since sex outside of marriage is a sin, then sex with 72 virgins, regardless of where you are, would still be a sin, and sin separates us from God. So the promise itself was very worldly and un-Godly (which again disproves Muhammad as a prophet of the One and True God Almighty, God of Abraham – for no prophet of God would promise, let alone even suggest a reward of something that’s a sin, nor anything less than the desire for God Himself).
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