Did God Give Rock n Roll to You?

Rock n' Roll

Hey Andy, did God give Rock n Roll to you?

Ha, a KISS fan! Yes, He did.

God gave all types of music to us all, actually. However, what others have done with it may not always be to His liking or preferences for how they used their gift of music, but He gave it to us all originally.

God Gave Us Rock ‘n’ Roll

That’s sort of where freedom of choice comes in, too – God gave us rock n’ roll, others took it to communicate their own evil desires, and thus turned some of it evil. However, others have taken it and use it to promote God’s love to believers and non-believers alike. Because all Rock ‘n’ Roll is, is talking (singing) to an awesome rhythm.

God Gave Them Each To Us

So different type of music in itself isn’t evil, for God gave them each to us: classical music, hip hop, dance, electronic, industrial, ska, Jazz, big band, love songs, psalms, worship music, smooth jazz, Rock, Metal, hardcore, punk, rap, rap-rock, Screamer, etc. It’s what people have done with it that determine whether it’s evil or not.

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