What’s the Difference Between the Quran and the Bible?

bible vs quran

Hey Andy, what’s the difference between the Quran and the Bible?

Hi, well, a lot of people may think that because both the Bible and the Quran claim the name of God, that they’re very much the same.  But there are really a lot of differences between the two. Some of these differences between the Bible and the Quran are:


  • The Bible was written by 40 different authors, spread over 1500 years, over three different continents, to different cultures and nations, and most of these guys didn’t know each other. Yet you see them finishing each other’s sentences, keeping to basically the same message (stop sinning, return to God, repent, and follow Him, keep His commands and decrees), and all whose prophecies have proven their authenticity.
  • The Quran was not written down in the time of Muhammad, but Instead, “the revelations were preserved in the ‘memories of men,'” and later written down by generals and followers who knew Muhammad (Source)
  • The Bible‘s authenticity and accuracy has been proven by thousands of old manuscripts, dating back over 2000 years ago, such as the Dead Sea Scrolls.
  • The Quran‘s earliest manuscript to have been found (Source) was written around 570 A.D., or 20 years after Muhammad’s death, by conflicting memories and fragments on rocks and camel’s hide.
  • The Bible was written 500 years before the Quran, and speaks of the Truth of God.
  • The Quran was written later, supposedly based upon the Bible, yet contradicts the Bible, even claiming the Bible to be corrupt.
  • The Bible (New Testament) is a compilation of accounts and letters in sync with the Old Testament, including fulfilled prophecies, all of which were able to be confirmed by people at the time, unrelated to the mission evangelists.
  • The Quran is completely separate from and in conflict with all the teachings in the Old and New Testaments.

Jesus’ Death and Resurrection

  • The Bible tells of Jesus being the Messiah who died on the cross, was resurrected 3 days later, ascended into Heaven, and returning one day to judge the world.
  • The Quran tells of Jesus falsifying his death on the cross, walking around 3 days later claiming to have died, of Him ascending into Heaven, and returning one day to judge all who have not accepted Islam.


  • The Bible‘s books are categorized in chapter and verse.
  • The Quran is categorized only by verse (or is it only by chapter? Or maybe it’s every 10 verses.)
  • The Bible has many styles in its writings (letters, prophesy, prayers, history, songs, wisdom, laws, Gospel, etc.)
  • The Quran is basically written in the form of the Bible’s Proverbs (wisdom), and instructions (do this, not this, accept these people, not those people, trust these people, hate and don’t ever trust these people, etc.)


  • The Bible is the Word of God, telling of God’s history with and among His people.
  • The Quran is a word of humans, meant to persuade, advise, and tell of Muhammad’s history among his people.
  • Muslims don’t consider translations of the Quran holy. Only the original language to them is holy and valid.
  • The Bible is Holy regardless of the language it’s in (you’ve also got to figure, God created all languages).
  • The Bible is Truth-based.
  • The Quran is more opinion/advise-based.

…just to name a few.

Read more about the differences between the Bible and the Quaran, HERE.

(Read more here for the Old Testament)

Read more here for the new Testament).

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