Do Christians Believe Dinosaurs and Cavemen Existed?

Dinosaurs Exist

Hey Andy,

Do Christians think dinosaurs, cavemen, and other prehistoric creatures existed? I wonder, since most obviously don’t believe in evolution, how are fossils of such creatures explained – especially Neanderthal fossils?

Hi. Actually, even though many Christians don’t believe in evolution, many of us do believe that cavemen, dinosaurs, and other “prehistoric” creatures did in fact exist…not only because of the evidence though, but also because the Bible even mentions them.

Cavemen in the Bible

In Genesis, when Lot and his daughters were running from the destruction of Sodom, they asked the Lord if they could instead live in the town of that valley. The Lord granted them this request, but then, when they saw how dangerous and sinful the people were, they decided instead to live among those in the caves. Also, in Judges 6, due to the continuous attacks from surrounding nations, the Israelites themselves were forced to live in the caves.

cavemen and dinosaursDinosaurs in the Bible

  1. Answers In Genesis has done several reports on this, all of which would be worth reading.
  2. During creation, God created all the creatures and brought them to Adam to name. So they all lived together in the garden, and no doubt outside of it once everybody and everything was kicked out.
  3. The Bible also says that the animals were created before humans. Therefore, some have suggested the idea that dinosaurs were before man, and that this part in Genesis 1 confirms such a possibility.
  4. Several dinosaurs are mentioned throughout the Bible, only they don’t have names like T-Rex, or even the name “Dinosaur”. Instead, they have names from back then. Check out these Bible references:
    1. Job 40:15-24 speaks of the “Behemoth”
    2. Job 41:1-34 mentions the “Leviathan”. Granted, scientists today have tried relating them to modern day hippos and crocks, but if you’ll look at the description, such is not actually possible. In fact, I’ve spoken with several Christians who believe that even dragons (flying, fire-breathing, etc.) once existed, some having to do with the descriptions of such in the Bible.

The Bible also mentions that God created the world, and that there was a place called, “Eden”, and that in it, God had placed a garden. In this garden was where humans and all the animals brought to humans lived. But since fossils have been found worldwide, some have also suggested the idea of dinosaurs living OUTSIDE Eden’s garden at a time, whether before or during the existence of humans, and whether before or after humans were kicked out of the garden.

Are Neanderthals Mentioned in the Bible?

Check Answers In Genesis for this one also.

Some other online resources you could check out include:

  1. Are Dinosaurs Mentioned in the Bible?
  2. Job, Behemoth, and Dinosaurs (This one’s a bit off the wall in some comments, but it’s still worth a look…just scroll down to what you’re looking for).

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