Do You Think Religion Will Ever Die Out?


Hey Andy, do you think religion will die out in the next 200 years?

No way. Religion has been around since the beginning of civilization. Granted, not everybody worshiped God, but they did worship something.

Atheists Worship Themselves

I believe people were created for worship, and if you’ll look at people of all time, there was always something being worshiped – God, not God, false gods, animals, lizards (and hybrids of both), demons, man-made idols, rocks, other people, money/bling, weapons, the moon, stars and sun, lucky charms…even atheists worship themselves (in that they live for themselves, do everything in their own names, etc.). There are even people who “acknowledge” a higher being, or like the “universe” is alive or something, but whose religion is all about behaving a certain way.

My Point Is That Religion Will Never Die

Anyway, my point is that religion will never die. Some religions in particular may, but religion itself never will.

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