Doesn’t Basic Physics Contradict the Bible?

Does Physics contradict the Bible, disagree with it, or are they connected?

Hey Andy, doesn’t basic physics contradict the Bible? For the first law of theromodynamics says that matter be neither created nor destroyed. The Bible says that God created everything from nothing. Isn’t that a direct contradiction? Also the Bible say that the water for the Great Flood just appeared then disappeared. Physics says this is impossible.

Hi, I’m not sure where you heard that the water from the great flood just appeared, for the Bible talks about rain — it rained for 40 days and 40 nights. It also says in Genesis 8:2 that “the springs of the deep and the floodgates of the heavens had been closed, and the rain had stopped falling from the sky.” So it wasn’t just the rain that flooded the earth, but water from the springs of the deep.

Water Receded Steadily From the Earth for 150 Days!

And in terms of the rain water dispersing, the Bible says that the water receded steadily from the earth for 150 days! And only then did the ark finally hit land, but it was the top of the mountain, and 3 months later, Noah was able to see just the tops of the mountains! So in other words, all the water got absorbed into the ground. If physics says this is impossible, then it doesn’t know much about nature, nor the ground.

It’s an interesting question though, because it also suggests that it contradicts other types of science, for science claims that everything that exists was created when 2 forms of nothing came together and formed something, which evolved into everything. When you think of it that way, that sounds crazier than your question.

Bible Says Jesus (God) Created Everything That Exists

I believe that when the Bible says Jesus (God) created everything that exists, and anything that He didn’t create, doesn’t exist, the things that He did create include science, physics, biology, the desire to study and learn about it, and everything about each that we study and learn about. I mean, I believe that He put it all there for us to learn about and study. However, there are some things that stand out from them, which are related solely to Him, which can’t be explained by physics, science, etc. For instance, miracles.

Yeah, we say babies are miracles, and science can explain how they’re created, but what about the spirit? Where does that come from, if not from God? And what about when a person dies? I mean, science suggests that we should be able to take body parts and create a monster of Dr. Frankenstein, shock it with a gazillion bolts of electricity, and it’ll be alive. But it doesn’t work like that, does it? Why not? And if we could get a body like that to begin pumping blood, does that mean it’s alive? Is there a spirit in it, or will it just be a spirit-less body with a working heart?

How About When Jesus Walked On the Water

How about when Jesus walked on the water, and Simon Peter came out there, also? What does physics say about that? Or when a flipping car that, speaking in physics, should hit a particular person, but instead misses them by some freak accident/miracle? Or when bullets fly by a person and never hit them, or the gun misfires, or when somebody’s healed by prayer?

Maybe the question shouldn’t be whether or not Physics contradicts the Bible, but if the Bible sometimes contradicts Physics, or if God sometimes contradicts physics? Because then, the only obvious answer would be, “Yeah, you bet!

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