Hi, thanks for asking.
If Pastors and church speakers are speaking about everything BUT the Word of God, then there’s probably more going on in the spiritual lives of the speakers (maybe they’re not solidified in their walks with Christ, etc.)
My Experience with Pastors Who Don’t Preach the Bible
I’ve served in several churches where the Word of God wasn’t being preached. I quickly learned that the reason was that either the Pastor didn’t know God very well to begin with, or that he was scared to preach about Jesus or anything more than “suggesting” people take on the Bible’s imperatives.
Churches Today Not Teaching the Bible
Unfortunately, what you’re asking about also seems to be a popular thing going on right now in many churches – they give like, 3 points about the Scriptures, then 5 points taken from a secular book they read on the topic they got from the Scriptures, and a suggestion of how to apply what they just taught on. If anything, it should at least be the other way around, or just not base the sermon on the secular book at all. It’s almost become difficult anymore to find a church that actually PROCLAIMS the Gospel from the pulpit.
What Does the Bible Say?
The Bible tells us that when we have a conflict within the church, we should first bring it to the person at fault (in this case, you might want to bring it up to the Pastor).
If they explain it away (as many will and usually do), then find somebody else who’s noticed the same problem as you, and bring them in with you to speak with the Pastor again.
If they again sort of blow you off, then bring it before the elders and the church. If they still don’t revert back to the Scriptures, then Jesus says that we’re to treat them like the Jews did tax collectors (or non-believers outside the community). Or in this case, you may want to begin searching for another church that does proclaim the Gospel.
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