Hey Andy, should all Christian church buildings be sold and all the money given to the poor?
Hi, actually, I’m curious as to why you singled out “Christian” church buildings, versus all church buildings (because non-Christian religions also have churches). But to answer your question, no, they shouldn’t, and there’s actually a place in scripture where Jesus touches on this.
In Mark 14:3–8, while Jesus was in Bethany, reclining at the table in the home of Simon the Leper, a woman came with an alabaster jar of very expensive perfume, made of pure nard. She broke the jar and poured the perfume on His head. Some of those present were saying indignantly to one another, “Why this waste of perfume? It could have been sold for more than a year’s wages, and the money given to the poor.” And they rebuked her harshly. But Jesus said, “Leave her alone! Why are you bothering her? She has done a beautiful thing to me. The poor you will always have with you, and you can help them any time you want. But you will not always have me. She did what she could. She poured perfume on my body beforehand to prepare for my burial.”
The Poor Will Always Be With You
First off, when Jesus said that the poor will always be with them, He was referring back also to Deuteronomy 15:11, which basically says the same thing: “There will always be poor people in the land. Therefore I command you to be openhanded toward your fellow Israelites who are poor and needy in your land.” So no matter how much you help the poor, you’ll always have poor people in your land.
Helping the Poor
Secondly, YOU (yeah, you) can ALWAYS help the poor. There will always be people who are poor, and you can help them as much and as often as you like, and you will no doubt be blessed for doing so. Many people wait until certain church holidays to help those in need, or when their church has a special call-out for them to do something, but people are in need throughout the rest of the year, too.
How to Help the Poor
If you’re really concerned about helping the poor, then help them. Not all the poor need money – some need rehab; some need a friend; some need food; some need food for their children; some need warm clothes in the winter; some need shoes (I hear socks are often a high request); some need skills for work, some need somebody to drive them to work or the doctor; some need help paying their utility bills during the cold seasons; some need backpacks and school supplies; some need lunch money for their kids…so there are MANY ways you can help the poor.
How to Help the Homeless
When I lived in Chicago, I often saw homeless people, asking for money, yeah, but also sleeping in the cold. Several years, while serving as a Youth Pastor at churches, I started up a homeless ministry, mostly during the winter, where we collected people’s old coats and some blankets, also hand warmer packets, gloves, hats, scarves, etc., then drive out to those under Michigan Ave. and around that area.
Also, while walking to and from work in Chicago, I was often approached by homeless people, and you know what? Yeah, they all need financial help, but many of them need more, much more than money. For instance, some need somebody to stop and ask how they’re doing and actually wait for a response, versus walking by them with a blank stare, like they weren’t even there; some need medical attention, some just need an address so they can get a job (or go to school);
…so you see, if you care so much about the poor, there are tons of things that you can do to help them now, because even if you did sell off all the churches, it wouldn’t be enough to help all the poor out of their situations (and some don’t even want help – heck, some are earning a nice full-time wage just by asking for money on the street corners). Here are some other ideas I’ve put together about how you could help the poor (and the homeless).
Who are the Poor?
I find it interesting that when people think of the poor, they always seem to think of the homeless. But there are poor people living in homes, too. Maybe you’ve noticed as the weather began to cool down that in your monthly electric and gas bills, there’s often a plea to help those who can’t afford to pay theirs during this season. Many churches also not only have soup kitchens for the homeless, but food pantries for those who have homes, but don’t make enough to live on and buy food (and if you got rid of churches, you’ll also get rid of such organizations that help the poor). And they’re often asking people for help in supplying the food, so again, you yourself could help them anytime.
Many Churches Already Do Help the Poor
I understand your frustration with churches and how many of them aren’t doing all they can for the poor. But as you can see, there are some (many) churches that are doing a lot more than you’d think to help the poor. And if you have a passion to help the poor, also, but need the facilities or manpower to accomplish it (like maybe some of the things I mentioned above), then I’d be willing to bet there are at least a few churches in your area that would be interested in participating (I know if I was currently leading in a church, I would be up for ideas). But I’m talking about ideas that would actually help, not ideas to point the finger at others to take the blame off of your lack of helping.
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