Hey Andy, how do I find true faith? I feel at times I’m just going through the motions. What’s the secret? Will fasting bring me closer to God? Will visiting Israel?
Hi friend! How do you find True Faith? Well, true faith comes from trusting God (they sort of go hand in hand). But if you want to know God better, then the best way that I’ve come to know is by reading His Word (the Bible) regularly.
How to Read the Bible
When I fully accepted Jesus, I didn’t know how to read the Bible. I know, it’s just like reading a book, right? That’s what I thought, but each time I did, I’d get to the genealogies and “begats” in Genesis and put it down — every time! Then one day, a Pastor-friend introduced me to a new way to really get into the Bible, which made a huge difference in my getting to know God on a personal level. Here’s what he said, and how I’ve adapted over the years:
Pick a Book in the Bible
Unlike other books, you don’t need to start in the beginning with the Bible. I’d actually suggest starting with Matthew and working your way through the New Testament, first, then read the Old Testament. Then each day (whether morning, afternoon, or evening), make it a priority to read no more than one chapter per day. This will allow you to take in just enough, but not too much at one time. Because theres often so much in each chapter, that if you read too much at once, you’re sure to miss something important.
Also, I suggest the New Testament first because that worked for me, but also because if you notice while reading it, there are a TON of references back to the Old Testament. That’s because events in the New Testament answer of fulfill prophecies all throughout the Old Testament. So if you read the New Testament first, THEN read the Old Testament, everything will make more sense to you. It’ll be like, “I read this before. Where did I see this?” And you’ll go back to the New Testament and find it.
It’s also like watching the first 6 Star Wars movies in the order in which they were released. #4 (New Hope through 6, then going back to 1-3. Everything will make more sense because you already know how it ends, and everything you’re now watching is everything fitting into place for 4-6.
Pray Before & After You Read
Before you read, pray, like you would before eating (as this is Spiritual nourishment). Ask God to help you understand what you’re about to read, and to show you any answers to questions you may have going in.
After you’ve read, pray again, asking for help in understanding what you just read, and to reveal to you how you may apply what you’d just read.
Take Notes
Many people seem to think you can’t write in the Bible because it’s a Holy book, and the spoken Word of God. Though this is all true, nowhere does it say you can’t write in it. It’s also important for many (like me) to highlight and underline verses that stand out to them. I also like to write notes in the margins, on paper, like in a notebook, write down questions I have about what I’m reading so I may pray for understanding later and ponder on it throughout the day. And as you read through it, you’ll find places that you could cross-reference from what you’ve already read, that relate to something you just read (as I mentioned above).
Meditate on the Scriptures.
A lot of people relate meditation to New Age religions and Buddhism. But God actually tells us in the Bible to meditate on His Scriptures. Many may even recognize prayer as a form of meditation, for you’re pushing everything out and focusing on God and His Word. Prayer can also put you into a state of relaxation and focus (on God), among other things.
So when you meditate on the Scriptures, let what you read remain on your mind throughout the day (this is why I’d actually suggest reading in the morning or afternoon. However, if in the evening, then early evening – not just before going to sleep). Think about what you read, wrestle with it if needed, ask God for clarification throughout the day, etc.
Speaking of which, prayer isn’t just talking, but also listening. Prayer is communication with God. So if you ask a question, expect God to answer it. He may answer immediately, or He may give it some time. Either way, He’ll communicate with you in a way that you’ll have no doubt it’s Him.
Ask God to Reveal Himself to You
As you read God’s Word, God will reveal Himself to you in ways you never even imagined – and He’ll often do it in ways that you’ll best understand. So keep your eyes open for Him, and be ready to be in absolute awe!
Respond in Obedience to What You’re Reading
When reading the Bible, it’s important to remember that it’s not just a book to read, but to be obeyed and lived. If you just read it for knowledge or wisdom, then you’re missing the whole point. The Bible is the Word of God. So if God tells you to do something, don’t argue with Him, for this is where your faith builds up.
When I’d first begun reading the Bible, Jesus would take me to work by a different means just about every day. I’d get to a corner and ask, “which way should I go today?” And He’d pull me in a direction (His voice isn’t audible, but more like something that shakes you from the inner being — you’ll understand as you become more susceptible to hearing Him and into His Word more). But this was sort of His way of seeing if I’d go the way He’d told me to go, or argue and go my own way – trusting Him by going the way He tells you to go is faith. The more you trust Him, the more you’ll obey Him, and the more your faith will grow.
When talking with people, He may give you words to say. Trust Him and say what He tells you – this will also increase your faith.
Begin attending a church and get plugged in.
Join a growth group (group of others who meet weekly for Christian fellowship, sometimes to study a curriculum or reflect on the previous week’s sermon, etc.).
Volunteer in the church.
Tithe regularly. Even if you don’t have much to give, try to give 1/10 of your earnings. If you trust the Lord with your life, then trusting Him with your finances should be nothing, right?
Find a Mentor
If your Pastor can’t do it, then ask him/her if they could refer you to somebody who could mentor you as you read the Word of God. In other words, you could ask questions about your difficulties when reading it. Your growth group could help with this, also, but it would be good to have somebody who’s Biblically trained that could help you.
Pray Often and Regularly
Keep in mind that when you pray, there don’t need to be any particular words. In fact, God would prefer that there aren’t. He likes it when you’re real with Him — honest and yourself. If it helps, imagine calling Him on the phone, or as if he’s always on the phone with you, and the conversation begins once you begin talking. Another thing you could try if that’s tough is, imagine Jesus asking, “how are you doing?” Then after you tell Him everything, then imagine Him asking, “No, really. How are you doing?” Because by then, you’d just gotten all the B.S. out. Now you can be honest and real with Him, bc He’s not buying what you said before, and He really wants to hear it from your heart, not your head, ya know?
You’d asked about this, and yeah, if you do it right, it will definitely help your faith grow. It’ll also help you hear the Lord, if that’s what you’re aiming for. Here’s what I did (or will do sometimes): One year during Lent, I fasted from lunch, and instead, prayed.
But like I said, if you really want your faith to grow, then you need to spend time with the Lord, and one of the best ways of doing that is by reading His Word regularly.
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