Hey Andy, I know I need to read my Bible, but how many hours each day should I read it?
Hi, you know, I read a meme recently that basically said, ‘If you binge watch Netflix for 3 hours, but only read your Bible for 15 minutes, your not doing it right’ or something like that, but you get the point, right? If you spend more time watching things of the world, and spend little time with your nose in the Word of God, then you can’t expect to get much out of your relationship with God.
Like any relationship, you need to invest time into yours with God. You need to spend quality time with Him, communicate often and regularly, make Him a priority in your life, thank Him regularly, seek out His ways, become like Him, and when He tells you to do something, do it – don’t argue with Him about why.
How Much Time Do I Need to Read?
So in terms of how much time you should take to read your Bible, I’d suggest you pray before and after you read. But instead of a time limit, pick a book in the Bible and read through it, 1 chapter a day – take notes, highlight stuff in the Bible that stood out to you, and write stuff down on paper. Then when you pray afterwards, ask for understanding of what you just read, and help in applying it to your life.
Feel free to look around also, as I’ve posted many free Bible Study helps and ministry resources all throughout the website.
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