Is It True That Pastors Go Through Many Trials and Tribulations?

Pastors suffering trials and tribulations for Christ
Hey Andy, is it true that Pastors go through many trials and tribulations?

Hi! Is it true that Pastors go through many trials and tribulations? Dude, you have no idea! I mean, you have to figure, when actively preaching, teaching, serving, etc., Pastors are on the front lines. The enemy sees those of us on the front lines more easily, and so tries to pick us off – why would they go after those far away? They’re not a threat to them. So they go after the ones that are right there pushing the line back.

I suppose it’s sort of like gangs, you know? They have their turf, and businesses and people that they control and harass. When somebody of another gang, or anybody who opposes their operations, steps in or drives through their turf, they light them up, right? Well, when a Pastor’s in regular service, he/she’s now stepping in/driving through the enemy’s turf, and not quietly, but with a big target on his/her back, stirring things up. So the enemy (demons, etc.) often light us up with trials, temptations, tribulations, means of suffering, oppositions, etc.

Truth Brings Persecution

Another example is in the first chapter of Mark where Jesus taught in the synagogue. There was a guy there who was demon-possessed, and had been going for a long time (and nobody knew about the demon in him). It sat quietly while Jesus taught, but once people began to respond to Jesus’ words, it manifested itself and called Jesus out.

Offensive Gospel - A reason Pastors suffer and endure trials

Likewise, when Pastors teach the Truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and demand the response that the Gospels demand, those who are comfortable in their idleness, and the demons who are present and happy that everybody’s basically spiritually-dead and idle, suddenly rise up and do whatever they can to get rid of this Pastor who’s stirring up the pot and creating waves. And we have many such people in every church, don’t we?

  • They say they want change, but don’t really
  • They say they want things to change but they don’t want to change anything about themselves.
  • They want things done the way they’ve always been done
  • They don’t want the Bible as the curriculum
  • They think they can do things better
  • They set you up for traps
  • They gossip and conspire against you
  • Some will make false accusations, etc.

The interesting thing is that many of these people actually believe they’re doing God’s will by doing all these evil things, and somehow justify such behavior, even getting many to believe they’re in the right. Basically, the enemy wants us to fail, and will use whatever means (and often times, people) to do it.

Pastors Should Expect Trials

I think I’ve suffered in one form or another from every church I’ve served. But Jesus tells us that we shouldn’t be surprised when we suffer, for we will. But at every location, the Lord put a genuine friend in my life who was either also in the field, or who was just really solid in their relationship with the Lord, Jesus Christ.

This is why it’s important to pray for our Pastors always, whether you agree with them or not. It’s also important to open communication with them, because many Pastors can become lonely and discouraged when under fire, and really need genuine, trusting friends who encourage and support them in prayer and fellowship.

The Good Side of Suffering

Don’t get me wrong, suffering blows! However, it can also be good, especially when in the ministry. In my case, the trials I faced actually made my ministry deeper, for I was always in constant prayer, reading and studying the Bible more, fasting, trusting God more by relying on Him more, and in some cases, impacting more people. And sometimes, I noticed that when I was suffering by the hands of people inside the church, God would take me outside the church to people who would never set foot in the church. But it was still lonely and very difficult.

However, the Lord is sufficient and has already won the battle over the enemy. Plus, also in my experience, the enemy’s a bit of an idiot, and his followers aren’t far behind.

(Response from the asker of this question):

“Your kind, gentle, explanations, and your time you’ve taken to give them to me, inspire me. So many want to tell me Pastors are just regular folk. So many want to tell me its just me and Jesus, and through Pastor there is no extra powers of Holy Spirit given by God. They want to kill my image of Pastor. While we are all sinners, there are still a few that God has put here on earth, and we need them, these tools used by God, these men and women, who remind us of the goodness, and can even heal and rest our troubled hearts at times. I see His Grace shine through you, even HERE on a Quora answer, and I am grateful.”

You may also like another source I found that helped me a lot after my service in one place. The book is called, “The Wounded Minister.” Check it out, along with others, in my book reviews.

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