Hey Andy, God made us sinners by nature, but then punishes us with hell because we’re sinful?
No, God made us good by nature – sin made us sinners by nature.
Sin as a Choice
Also, God gave humans a choice. See, when God created male and female and placed them in the garden of Eden, they were without sin. He gave them access to everything in the garden, except forbade them from eating from one particular tree. They had EVERYTHING they needed otherwise. But when the serpent tempted them with the ability of gaining power and knowledge, they chose to go against God’s command (which is sin). So from that day on, people have continued to sin (go against God and His commands, which were set in place for our good and so that we may keep from separating ourselves from God).
What Did Sin Do?
The first sin separated people from God’s garden, immediate presence, and blessing. It also cursed the land and brought in other bad stuff. The 2nd recorded sin, which was Cain murdering Abel, separated Cain from God’s immediate presence for the rest of his life. Much later on, when God led His people out of Egypt, He gave them laws to follow, and instructions for reconciling themselves with God when they sinned. Later, Christ died so that we might be reconciled to God once and for all, should we choose to be so.
Original Sin
So you see, God didn’t make people sinners by nature, the original people did that. And if when you mention that God punishes us with hell because we’re sinful, you’re referring to original sin, then you have to understand that He also gave us a way out, and that’s by believing in Christ through faith, and through baptism, we’re washed clean. So yes, we’re tainted by sin, but that’s not because God put it onto us, but because our first parents put it onto us when they rebelled against God. But God doesn’t punish us with hell because we’re sinful, we decide where we go when we die (Heaven or Hell), based on whether we accept reconciliation with God through Christ, or continue to reject Him, for even Jesus said that there is no judgment against anyone who believes in Him. But anyone who does not believe in Him has already been judged for not believing in God’s one and only Son. So if we accept Him, then we go where He is to be reconciled to Him for the rest of eternity. But if we continue to reject Him, then our choice to reject Him is what sends us to Hell.
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So, instead of making us all born sinners, he has Adam make us all born sinners, but doesn’t have Jesus make us all born again?