Hey Andy, should religious leaders be rich, and have nice cars, big houses…….?
Hi, now when you say “rich”, I’m guessing that what you’re saying is not that they shouldn’t have reliable cars, but should they have Cadillacs or expensive luxury/sports cars; not should they have a warm and stable home for their family, but is it right for them to have mansions; not should they have nice clothes, but like Armani and gator skin shoes; not that they should have a reasonable, professional salary, but that they should be or get rich from their service at the church, correct?
No, I don’t agree that they should. It’s nice if a church or ministry can fund a religious leader enough for their necessities, some wants, and retirement, which is what Paul says a church leader should receive. But if it gets to the point where they have enough money to hoard or burn, then I think the church could (and should) be using that money for other means, like missions (local, national, and international), education, community service, helping the poor, funding other churches with needs, scholarships, etc.
Rich Churches, Rich Pastors
I think that one of the problems is that, like corporations, people who “run” churches begin to think that because the giving (income) have increased, so should the salary of its leaders (or often times, just the head leader). Instead, I believe they should realize that the Lord has increased their blessing of income so that they could use it for the ministry and mission of the Church (the universal church) as a whole, not just that congregation, and not the increased egos and expenses of its leaders.
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