Hey Andy, might the list of saints in the Catholic Bible be incomplete? Which other to consult to find the missing saint? I notice that the Saint Index is missing saints from the Gnostic Bible – I’m wondering where other lists of saints might be?
Hi, you know, I’m not Catholic, so I’m not too familiar with the Catholic list of saints, nor with the Gnostic Bible, nor Saint Index related to the Gnostic Bible. However, I would say that the list of saints is very incomplete, for the Apostle Paul said that all who are in Christ, are Saints (“Do you not know that the saints will judge the world? And if the world is to be judged by you, are you incompetent to try trivial cases?”). So your name, and mine, should be listed, too, as well as every Christian who lived and died from then until now. And according to Paul, it wasn’t just the “good Christians”, for as you can see, he even called the believers in Corinth, “Saints” – and from the letter, we know that many of them would never be considered saints by the Catholic Church.
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