What Does the Bible Say About Sex Change?

Pick Your Gender

Hey Andy, I was born female, but definitely feel male. What does the Bible say about this?

The Bible and Biology

Biology and DNAHi, well, for one, the Bible makes it clear that God doesn’t make mistakes. And believe it or not, biology backs God up on this, for regardless of what you look like on the outside, or feel like on the inside, your DNA will always reveal your gender as being that which you were when you were born. You could get male parts sewn on or cut off, you could take hormone pills to change the way you feel and the way your body looks, you could literally change everything about yourself physically to become the other gender, but your DNA will always refer back to what you were when you were born. You could convince everybody that you’re the opposite gender than you were when you were born, but say you died by an avalanche or falling off a cliff, and CSI officers found the remains of your body, what’s left of you may reveal what you looked like, but your biological remains, your DNA, will reveal you as what you were when you were born. So no matter how hard you try to change your gender, you really fully can’t, and that’s coming from both God and science.

How Would You Know?

On that note, I’ve always wondered about that. I mean, if you’re a female, but say you “feel like” a male, how do you know you feel like a male? I mean, how do you even know what a male feels like, or what it feels like being a male? How are the two even comparable? Are you saying you feel more tomboyish? That’s common among many girls (I grew up with some female friends who could’ve easily kicked my butt, and some who never felt comfortable doing “girl stuff”). Are you more into sports than dolls (as was the little blonde girl in Remember the Titans)? Because there are lots of great female sports and sports reporters out there today. You don’t need to be into what tradition or others say you ought to be into.

The Grass Is Always Greener?

It sort of sounds like the idea of the grass always being greener on the other side…until you get to the other side and see it’s not so green after is the grass always greener on the other side?all, or that it just looks that way because somebody used spray paint on it. We guys may not have to deal with losing pints of blood every month, childbirth, etc., but we do have our issues, too. One thing women don’t have to worry about is dying from prostate cancer or being dropped (or possibly dying) from being kicked in the groin. We guys also have a higher death rate earlier on in life, especially from heart disease, than women, and can’t handle nearly as much pain as you women. And for most of us, our physique may be larger, but again, you can’t fix that by changing your gender. Women are also more emotionally-driven than guys, get turned on differently (usually), fight with partners differently, work out conflicts differently, and I’d be willing to guess that once you come over to the dark side, there’s no turning back (or maybe there is. No telling what medical phenomenas we have today).

What Does the Bible Say About Sex Changes?

(I just said “sex changes” because the meanings of related terms continue to change). You wanted to what you identify yourself as is not always what you areknow what the Bible says about this. Well, it kind of doesn’t–not because God doesn’t have anything to say about it, but because such was never an issue in the 3000+ years that the Bible was written during. There were homosexuals and gay temple prostitutes in the pagan temples, and such were always seen as wrong and sinful, but in terms of actually wanting to be another gender, or even feeling like another gender, I can’t think of anyplace where it’s mentioned, other than by maybe Paul, for instance, Paul talks about some of the types of people who won’t inherit the Kingdom of God, then goes into explaining that “that’s what some of you were! But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and in the Spirit of our God.” (NRSV)

Gender Roles and New Birth

The Bible also gives roles that we’re each to take in relationships and marriage, it talks against pre-marital sex, it talks about prayer, which is really communication with God about literally anything and everything (no restrictions nor special ways of going about talking with God), it talks about what it means to be among God’s people and how to become such, and you know that thing that people say to justify their biological feelings (“I was born this way”)? Jesus said that when we’re baptized, we’re born again – born anew, from above – born not of flesh but by Spirit. So anybody who claims to be a Christian, but throws out that excuse to sin, rejects their new birth, and in terms of salvation, also the responsibility of people of God to refrain from sin.

There’s More Going On

Spiritual warfare in our mindsWe also need to remember that there’s more to this world than the physical side of it — there’s a spiritual battle, too. The enemy hates us, and desires to kill us. His first, greatest tactic is to divide and conquer. But another one is to confuse us and get us questioning God. So if he can confuse some of us to the point of mutilating our own bodies, then he’s on a roll, especially when it comes to doubting God’s value of us. The enemy already has most of the world questioning this, and telling everyone to focus all their attention on being happy. But again, happiness is just a temporary emotion that’s based on circumstances.

Why Did God Make You?

You need to know that God created you on purpose, and for a purpose. He also created you the way you are, feel, and think on purpose, for whatever reason. I don’t know what that reason is, and apparently, neither do you. But I do know God loves you, and that part of life is getting to know God better (through Jesus), going through life learning of better ways you can live for Him, with Him, and by experiencing the joy He offers (joy is sort of like unconditional happiness, yet better than happiness, and it’s not simply emotional, nor conditional).

Ya know, I’ve got to ask, have you prayed, asking God about your dilemma? Have you actually stopped everything you’re doing, and asked Him why you’re feeling the way you do, as well as everything else that’s on your mind? If not, I’d like to suggest you do. You will find He knows a lot more about you and the ways you feel, as well as answers to why you feel that way.

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