Hey Andy, what does it mean if I keep dreaming about my childhood crush? I haven’t seen him in years!
Hi, thanks for asking.
First thing, don’t freak out. Many people have dreams about former relationships, people in their past (both good and bad), and often times, it doesn’t mean anything. Although, sometimes, it does.
Dreaming About a Past Crush
So you’re dreaming about a former crush, but haven’t seen this guy for years, and wonder why you’re just now dreaming about him, right? Well, it sort of depends on what the dream’s are about.
What the Dreams are About
Keep in mind that just because you’re dreaming about your former crush, that doesn’t mean the dream is actually about them – it could be about somebody else that reminds you of them, or that’s similar in some ways. For instance, it could be about somebody who you know now or will meet sometime soon, and you need to decide on how you’re going to respond to them. Do you respond in the same as you did with your former crush, or differently. But then, it could actually be about that person, too.
Former Crush as a Symbol
The person you’re dreaming about could also be a symbol of something or someplace else. For example, in the early 2000s, I was having reoccurring dreams about somebody who’d died about a decade ago (from that time). I later ended up moving to a place that resembled that person’s last name – and yes, I had similar struggles while there that I’d had with that person in my dreams, both in the dreams and in real life.
Times When I’ve Dreamed About an Ex
Often times for me, when an ex comes to mind or in a dream, I’ll figure that to be a sign that I should pray for them. Sometimes, like if we’re friends today, I’ll call or FB message them to see if everything’s alright, or if there’s something I can pray about. Sometimes they’ll think I’m weird (you’d think they’d know that already, lol), but at other times, they’ll be surprised and share with me what’s going on.
Suggestions for Future Dreams of Former Crushes or Exes
If you know God, then I’d suggest praying about your dream. Ask Him what He wants you to get from these dreams and how you should respond to them.
If you don’t know God, then I’d suggest you still ask Him anyway. Otherwise, look at the first part of my answer and keep your eyes open for how it might manifest in the near or distant future.
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