He just got out of a relationship and isn’t ready to jump back into one – after most relationships, it’s wise to allow yourself to heal before jumping back into another one, both for your sake, and for the next person’s sake. For instance, I was once in a long-term relationship, and after we broke up, I jumped right into another one, and quickly, everything I’d felt for the previous girl, I now felt for her. But she was wise enough to realize that my feelings weren’t really for her (or they might’ve been), but that I was quickly out of a relationship, and that these feelings could just be me transferring everything over to her – nothing genuine. This is what usually happens in what’s called a “rebound” relationship. So if this is the case, consider him wise for suggesting this, and respect his desires to heal. And if he still likes you, or wants to be in a relationship with you later, then you can be sure that his feelings for you are genuine, and not something transferred over from his last girlfriend.
He was hurt in a previous relationship and needs to heal before giving even a fair portion of himself to somebody else – this is similar to the first point, but if he was hurt by her, like say she cheated on him, then it’s going to take some time before he can even trust somebody else again. If you’re in a relationship with him, then you’re going to want him to be able to not only trust you, but also be able to give his heart to you intimately, without restrictions. You also probably won’t want him to be insecure with you, for that could lead to several complications, especially with trust, and maybe even control – not because he’s violent though, but because he’s trying to keep from getting hurt again from whatever happened to him before, and every little thing that reminds him of it will set off a buzzer in his head. Again though, healing from this will take some time, so again, respect his wishes to wait, and be a non-intimate friend to him, if you’re able.
He wants to get some other things done in his life and doesn’t have time for a relationship – I continue to read about how the current generations are holding back on serious relationships and focusing more on their careers, life, fun, etc. So this could be the case – it’s not about you, it’s about him (seriously though) – maybe he just doesn’t want to be tied down from enjoying things he wants to do with his life first.
Maybe he’s just not that into you – Maybe he’s just a nice guy and isn’t interested in you, so he’s letting you down easy. If this is the case, don’t push it, for there might still be a chance for a friendship (just not an intimate one).
If anybody has any other suggestions for her, please leave them in the comments section below.
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