Hey Andy, how do I talk with a girl to impress her?
Hi, are you asking how you can GET a good impression, or how you can GIVE a good impression? Either way, here are 15 ideas to help you talk with girls to impress them:
Smile when talking
Smile when listening
Eye contact when listening
Listen more than you talk and show her that you’re listening
Be kind (not macho or trying to act “cool” or anything).
Be yourself, and genuine
Don’t be too forward
Before you ask a personal or sensitive question, ask for permission.
Don’t smell bad, and make sure everything’s out of your teeth
Make it obvious that you care, but not in a way that makes you seem creepy.
Don’t rush anything, nor suggest any such expectations or hopes.
If this is your crush, don’t tell her. (she may already know, and that would make things awkward, or if she doesn’t know, let her figure it out on her own without being obvious).
Don’t use a line to start a conversation.
Be simple in your words, don’t try to impress her (if she’s impressed by you, it’ll be because of #6 or #1–5)
Be respectful
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