Hey Andy, in God’s design, is hooking up for promiscuous sex a good preparation for marriage?
Hooking up as marriage prep? What? No. Where did you even get that idea? Definitely not. God’s design for sex was only intended for a married couple. Having sex outside of marriage at all is not how God intended for it to be. Granted, many, even in Biblical history (Jacob, Abraham, David, Solomon, etc.) were occasionally hooking up to engage in sex outside of marriage, but such was done selfishly and not according to God’s will (and if you read about their experiences, their actions did have consequences).
I understand people’s fears about waiting until after marriage to finally have sex as wondering if maybe that person won’t be so good at it. But in my own experience, sex while married is SO much different (and better) than sex outside of marriage – I tried to explain this once – it’s like all the experience we’d had from hooking up with people during our pre-Christian days had gone out the window, and suddenly we’re starting over, learning how to do it as if for the first time. It’s very odd, actually, but part of it may have had to do with the fact that now there was a different reason for doing it(?). It was no longer selfish and sinful, but now selfless and blessed by God Himself.
I mean, when somebody has sex, you notice there’s something different from them versus somebody who never has – like their eyes were opened to something (as was the case when Adam and Eve sinned). Also, the Bible tells us that during marriage, a man leaves his parents and becomes one with his wife – the 2 become 1. When we have sex outside of marriage, yeah, we’re still merging with that person, but it’s tainted with sin, so the person’s changed, but not in the way that they’re supposed to be according to God’s design for sex. But when they get married and have sex, it’s like the change that was supposed to take place, actually does. Again, it’s difficult to explain – you have to experience it yourself to really get it. Also, I’ve written some other stuff on this (http://thesaltytrail.com/the-christian-view-of-sex/). Check it out to better understand.
John 3:16 has become a friendly verse that has caused so many people to think that nobody will every be condemned, simply because of what God did out of His love for us. But you [Continue Reading…]
Hey Andy, would you please explain to me the Christian argument for chastity? Also, is Christianity pro-body and pro-sex, and please argue that? Hi, wow, interesting questions. OK, well, to start off, we’ll open this [Continue Reading…]
Hey Andy, My husband and I have been together for 5 years and have been married since April. Like most couples we had sex as much as we could when we were first dating. But [Continue Reading…]
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