Hey Andy,
So, there are these two identical twin guys – both are attractive and totally my type, yet for some reason, I’m more attracted to the older twin. He is more reserved and quiet and kind of gives off that hostile, ‘I hate the world’ kind of vibe and literally trusts nobody, while his brother is more in control and outgoing and sweet and kind to everybody. Why, of all people, would I like the older twin better than the younger that looks exactly like him?
Hey there. I once new some identical twins who, unless you spent a lot of time with them, you really couldn’t tell them apart…heck, they even dressed alike, had the same haircuts, same makeup, same activities, etc. and all on purpose. But when I got to know them better, I noticed that one was more on the wild side, while the other was more conservative.
Keep in mind that just because they look alike, that doesn’t mean they’re alike in every other way, too – they’re still two different people. In fact, in terms of their desires, likes, tastes, preferences, style, etc, they may be completely different people.
So you may have answered your own question as to why you like the older one more – because they really are two different people – they just happen to look alike.
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