Who’s Your Master?
Romans 6:1-14: Shall we go on sinning so that Grace may increase? (“Hayl no!”) We’re the ones who have died to sin; how then can we live in it any longer? Or don’t you know that all [Continue Reading…]
Romans 6:1-14: Shall we go on sinning so that Grace may increase? (“Hayl no!”) We’re the ones who have died to sin; how then can we live in it any longer? Or don’t you know that all [Continue Reading…]
Once, while looking at a church’s website, I saw an announcement on their front page telling about them hosting a woman who travels the world talking about homophobia and the Church and accepting your gay [Continue Reading…]
One common argument that I will continue to hear churches stand on is believers’ baptism over infant baptism. Now, I do understand the reasons for each side, but I also notice that many non-denominational churches [Continue Reading…]
Defending The Lord, 2017-2019