Responding To Sin
2 Samuel 12:1-15A The LORD sent Nathan to David. When he came to him, he said, “There were two men in a certain town, one rich and the other poor. The rich man had a [Continue Reading…]
2 Samuel 12:1-15A The LORD sent Nathan to David. When he came to him, he said, “There were two men in a certain town, one rich and the other poor. The rich man had a [Continue Reading…]
Hey Andy, in the Bible, it’s stated numerous times to be weary of idolatry, and to idolize anything besides God is a sin (for lack of better words currently). My question though, is this, is [Continue Reading…]
Christian Magazine One Day I was reading a “Christian” magazine one day (quotes because, though it’s from 2001, the writers didn’t seem to have an ounce of information about the world outside their little circles) [Continue Reading…]
Hey Andy, there is no record of Egyptians having the Jews as slaves and that there is no record of plagues! During the Roman Empire, only 10% of people could read and write. We know so [Continue Reading…]
Hey Andy, how do I find true faith? I feel at times I’m just going through the motions. What’s the secret? Will fasting bring me closer to God? Will visiting Israel? Hi friend! How do [Continue Reading…]
The beginning of 2 Kings 18 starts off with Hezekiah succeeding his father, the most evil king of Judah, Ahaz. Israel was well known for having evil kings who had lead the Northern Kingdom into [Continue Reading…]
Hey Andy, what do you think of The Lord’s Supper in 1 Corinthians 11:25-29? What is meant by this? Hi, there’s a lot going on here, but the basic issue was disunity among members of [Continue Reading…]
Hey Andy, why did Jesus exclude Himself and the Holy Spirit from being God in John 17:3? Hi, I’m not sure where you get the idea that Jesus excluded Himself as being God in this [Continue Reading…]
What is Christmas Eve About? I can remember as a child, each Christmas Eve, waiting for Santa to arrive. I would put cookies out on a plate, a glass of milk, and a note, just [Continue Reading…]
Hey Andy, why did Jesus antagonize Jewish clergy by whipping the money changers; all the while proclaiming toleration and love of all human beings? Hi, this event with the money changers was brought up in [Continue Reading…]
Defending The Lord, 2017-2019