What Does It Take to Be a Good Leader?
The world has many definitions of what a good leader is, and how to be one. For instance, Forbes suggests that a good leader is one who makes others feel safe to speak up, one [Continue Reading…]
The world has many definitions of what a good leader is, and how to be one. For instance, Forbes suggests that a good leader is one who makes others feel safe to speak up, one [Continue Reading…]
Hey Andy, is it true what Pastors say, that the God of the Bible doesn’t like LGBTIabc… people? Hi. Is it true? Well, not completely. Let me explain. It’s not that God doesn’t LIKE LGBTQs [Continue Reading…]
While interning at a Chicago church, I received a phone call during a church potluck from a young man with a lot of questions and complaints about Christianity. In the midst of our conversation, I asked [Continue Reading…]
Once, while looking at a church’s website, I saw an announcement on their front page telling about them hosting a woman who travels the world talking about homophobia and the Church and accepting your gay [Continue Reading…]
Hey Andy, how do you know when there are far too many churches? Hi, I really wish you’d gone into more with your question, because one could wonder if there’s such a thing as “too [Continue Reading…]
Hey Andy, if Jesus tells us to love our enemies, then why are so many Christians online so hateful? I’m a Christian and cannot even fathom saying some of the things I see other Christians [Continue Reading…]
Hey Andy, why does my family try to convince me to go to church when I am agnostic and I hate religion? Churches are like high school and there are cliques in churches too. I hate [Continue Reading…]
In reference of Israel, Paul asked in Romans 11:11-32, “Did they stumble so as to fall beyond recovery? Not at all! Rather, because of their transgression, salvation has come to the Gentiles to make Israel [Continue Reading…]
I’ve caught a lot of heat from this post from Jewish relatives and friends. So to be sure I’m not suggesting anything non-Biblical, nor anything that would support their claims of it being anti-semitic, I [Continue Reading…]
Defending The Lord, 2017-2019