What is it that makes our calling to make disciples so terrifying? Whether in youth ministry, college ministry, or adult ministry, getting Christians to even share with their friends about Jesus, what they learned in church/youth group, or even telling their friends that they go to church is like pulling teeth (or trying to even get them to the dentist for a sore tooth)! They all tell me how they want their friends to be saved, and even often ask how to talk with their friends, but to actually go out and do it? Almost non-existent.
The Apostle Paul came across the same problem in several of the churches that he’d started up and was overseeing. This passage is actually popular among sending out missionaries, or helping people recognize their need to go out and share, and rightly so, for Paul makes a great case:
Romans 10:14-17
(14) “But how can they call on him to save them unless they believe in him? And how can they believe in him if they have never heard about him? And how can they hear about him unless someone tells them? (15) And how will anyone go and tell them without being sent? That is why the Scriptures say, “How beautiful are the feet of messengers who bring good news!” (16) But not everyone welcomes the Good News, for Isaiah the prophet said, “Lord, who has believed our message?” (17) So faith comes from hearing, that is, hearing the Good News about Christ.“
Issues To Take Notice Of:
:14 = Issue of not hearing
:15 = Issue of not going out so others may hear
:16 = Issue of disobedience
Why did Paul include verse 16? Because all have been sent out. Christ commands us all in Matthew 28:19 to make disciples. In order to make disciples, we must go out to them. We must go out to them because we’ve been commanded to do so. Why have we been commanded to do so? For the sake of those stuck in the situations of verse 14:
- They can’t call on Christ because they haven’t heard of Him
- They won’t call on Christ because they have no reason to if they haven’t heard.
- And without hearing, they won’t believe.
But Christ brought Good News, good to us and also to them!
And how do you tell them about Christ so they may believe and call upon Him? By Christ’s Words (The Bible). Either read the Scripture to them or tell them about what you read in them.
Now, if /when somebody (in the faith) asks, “Well, what about those in countries who have grown up never knowing or hearing about Jesus?” One suggested answer is, “Ya know, Jesus commanded us all to go out and make disciples to all the nations. The fact that you’re asking about them in particular makes me wonder if Christ has called you to go to such people, and if they still don’t know because you disobeyed His command, or if the fact that they came to your mind, originating in the heart, if Christ is now calling you to go to them? Either way, I’m also curious now about how you’ll respond to this call. Will you obey, or will you disobey and continue to ask about those who don’t know?”
Another good answer to this question
“Do you have friends and relatives who have not accepted Christ? (If so) then you may want to shift your focus to sharing His Good News with them before worrying about somebody far away who you don’t know. Because Jesus may have put you here, in these relationships and given you such children because He wants you to tell them about Him.”
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